Orthetrum melania continentale 灰黑蜻蜓大陸亞種

The very first observation log being identified as "Othetrum melania continentale" on iNat is observed & id by @shin-ming_ku at following URL.

在iNat上第一個使用「灰黑蜻蜓」新學名的觀察紀錄是由古訓銘於8月16日上傳,並於8月17日鑑別的。下面的 URL 就是該觀察記錄。


In fact, all the obs of O. melania observed in Taiwan should be re-id as this ssp. So, from now on, PLS id those Orthetrum melania oberved in Taiwan as such.


There was a post here talking about potential taxon changes on Taiwan's odonata checklist. (*1) One of them is O. melania. Sasamoto & Futahashi (2013) used techniques of genetic analyses and morphology to further divide O. melania into 5 subspecies. Those O. melania in Taiwan as well as mainland China and Korea were categorized as ssp. continentale.



  1. https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/taiwan-dragonflies-damselflies/journal/27962-possible-taxon-change-in-the-checklist-of-taiwan

01:49, Aug. 22, 2022

Publicado el agosto 21, 2022 05:49 TARDE por aru aru


I'm happy to see you on iNaturalist.

Publicado por fangshuohu hace alrededor de 2 años

@fangshuohu Thank you! Have you anything to do with this updated taxon?

Publicado por aru hace alrededor de 2 años

No, I did not.
Btw, my friends and I are establishing 臺灣蜻蜓學會 (https://www.facebook.com/TaiwanDragonfly/?ref=page_internal)
You are the most welcome member to attend to our society!

Publicado por fangshuohu hace alrededor de 2 años

Congratulations for the establishment of the association. And thank you very much for the invitation. Unfortunately, I am not using facebook but I am glad to join your society and pay dues for supporting the goodwill.
I read the post about taxon change of Ischnura rubilio. Did you write that? Can you post it here as well? (I am not sure who can post here, either.)

Publicado por aru hace alrededor de 2 años

I will let you know when we succesfully establish the association (We expect it will be in late October or November)! Then you can join to our association.
I wrote the post about Ischnura rubilio. I post here a few hours ago.

Publicado por fangshuohu hace alrededor de 2 años

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