Please help me with IDs

I'm Paula Sgarlatta and I'm doing a PhD at UNSW under the supervision of Professors Iain Suthers and Adriana Vergés.
Part of my project involves a lot of diving and shooting fish videos. I'm now analyzing those videos. The tricky part is that I need to identify fish species from sites as far apart as Lizard Island, Qld and Batemans Bay, NSW. So, I thought I would try to enlist some help from the amazing Australasian Fishes Project community.
Some of the videos are blurry and it's difficult to ID the species from screenshots. Mark kindly suggested uploading the videos to YouTube for you to see the species properly and help me with the IDs.
So, if you have a moment, please pop over to the 'Fish ID - Paula' playlist on the Australasian Fishes Project YouTube channel,, and take a look.
For more information you can contact me via iNaturalist at @paula_sgarlatta or via email,
Thank you!
Publicado el septiembre 1, 2022 12:29 MAÑANA por markmcg markmcg


Good luck with the project Paula, hopefully #team fish will be able to help out

Publicado por amandahay hace casi 2 años

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