黃基蜻蜓學名更動 Taxon Change: Sympetrum speciosum Oguma, 1915

黃基蜻蜓是臺灣高海拔靜水域常見的種類,甚至到3000公尺的高山湖泊都有牠們的蹤影,黃基蜻蜓 Sympetrum speciosum Oguma, 1915 原先有幾個亞種,臺灣的黃基蜻蜓由朝比奈正二郎(ASAHINA Syoziro) 發表為臺灣特有亞種 Sympetrum speciosum taiwanum Asahina, 1951,笹本彰彦 (SASAMOTO Akihiko)等人 Sasamoto et al. (2018) 做了分子生物學的分析,其結果支持黃基蜻蜓各亞種沒有明顯的族群分化 (這篇把臺灣的當作是指名亞種而非 taiwanum),但此篇並沒有做分類處理。Kalkman et al. 2020重新檢視Sasamoto et al. (2018) 的文章認為證據充分,不需要將這個種區分亞種,因此將S. speciosum taiwanum 處理為S. speciosum 的同物異名。所以現在臺灣產的黃基蜻蜓學名也應當使用 Sympetrum speciosum Oguma, 1915

Kalkman, V. J., Babu, R., Bedjanič, M., Conniff, K., Gyeltshen, T., Khan, M. K., Subramanian, K. A., Zia, A. & Orr, A. G. 2020. Checklist of the dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Zootaxa 4849 (1): 1–84.
Sasamoto, A., Kawashima, I., Kompier, T. & Futahashi, R. 2018. Consideration of the taxonomical relationship of Sympetrum speciosum and its subspecies haematoneura based on adult and larval morphology and genetic analyses, with a first record of speciosum from Vietnam and larval description of haematoneura (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Tombo 60: 79-89.

Publicado el septiembre 1, 2022 12:14 TARDE por fangshuohu fangshuohu


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