Des Moines Marina Beach Park (May 16th)

Date and Time: May 16, 12pm
Location: Des Moines Marina Beach Park, Des Moines, WA
Weather: Mostly cloudy about 65 degrees
Water temperature: about 40 degrees
Tide conditions: Relatively high

Today, at the Des Moines Beach Park there were many Western Gulls in the air and covering the parking lot. Western Gulls live on the Western Coast of North America and range from British Columbia, Canada to Baja California, Mexico. Western Gulls are almost always seen at any location near the water. They are most distinguishable by their large white head and body, yellow beak with a little red spot at the end of the beak, pink feet and legs, and gray wings. By the water they eat fish and invertebrates like krill, squid and jellyfish. They do not dive into the water, therefore, they feed at the surface of waters and when they are on land their diet becomes much more variable from dead sea animals carcasses, to clams, starfish, and snails. However, they are mainly seen eating food from humans at parks and marinas, even from waste landfills. But what really interested me is that I saw this Western Gull with only one leg and time after time I always see the same Western Gull at the Marina, it amazes me that this Gull can do the very same things a normal Gull can do. To the left of me I see a car feeding the Western Gulls pieces of bread and the flock of Gulls just crowd that area. When I see this, I can't help but wonder how the Western Gull's behavior toward humans and their diet would be.

Publicado el junio 5, 2012 01:14 MAÑANA por ballev ballev


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