Species of the Week: American Robin

Happy Monday!

Welcome everyone to our first species of the week highlight! In these weekly posts, I will be highlighting some of the amazing species that you are likely to encounter as you begin your iNat journeys. In case these organisms are not interesting enough on their own, they may or may not pop up as extra credit opportunities on future exams...

For our first species, it is only fitting that we take a look at the champion of last year's Bioliteracy Project, the American Robin. Coming in with a whopping 385 observations, the American Robin was by far the most observed species on campus last year.

The American Robin (Turdus migratorius) is one of the most recognizable birds across North America. They are plump little birds that sport a rusty orange belly, gray wings, and black heads. Adult males and females are visually quite similar, but females typically have lighter colored heads. They are often among the first songbirds you will hear in the morning, producing a complex and cheerful song.

The number one predator of American Robins is the domestic cat. As you will soon learn in this course, an important action that we can take in our day-to-day lives as conservationists is keeping our beloved cats indoors.

That concludes our first species highlight, make sure to tune in next Monday to learn more about our local biodiversity!

Publicado el febrero 6, 2023 08:59 TARDE por jackthropod jackthropod


Photo is from the university grounds, MA? Good luck on your project!
Here in Wisconsin, I haven't seen any American robins yet. I'm looking forward to seeing their return in the next few weeks.

Publicado por bkis hace más de 1 año

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