A Splash of Color

Being a naturalist in winter can present some challenges. Some days, like today, it's all about perseverance and fighting those voices that suggest staying inside by the fire with a good book. For the first time this week it didn't snow. But with the temperature at 10 degrees and the wind whipping out of the west at 30 plus mph, the fallen snow took on new life, drifting and traveling about.

Out in the open it was less than pleasurable. I strapped on my snowshoes and quickly headed for the shelter of the woods, into a bright white landscape, all solitude and sunshine. Black and white rule this landscape, but there are surprise splashes of color here and there. Some of the flashiest are the Sunburst Lichens adorning the bare trunks and branches. It's hard not to admire lichens, their hardiness, their indifference to weather.

Publicado el enero 13, 2017 04:58 MAÑANA por scottking scottking


Fotos / Sonidos




Enero 12, 2017 a las 02:18 TARDE CST


Sunburst Lichen
St Olaf Natural Lands
Northfield, Minnesota


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