Juba plagosa (Distant 1917)

Juba is a Flattid genus with two species described from Southern Africa.
Costal and apical edges of elytra slightly sinuous; apical edges more or less narrow, costal membrane narrower than the costal cell, sutural angle widely extended, apical edge oblique truncated, strong axillary protuberance.
The species are told by morphology of head and pronotum.
(Synave 1955: https://cd.chm-cbd.net/archives_rdc/archives/publications/exploration-parc-national-de-lupemba/mission-g-f-de-witte/1955-fascicule-32-pseudoscorpionidae-hemiptera-homoptera-flatidae-diptera/fascicule32-synave-1955_flatidae_21-48.pdf)

Key and illustration of vertex in:
Synave, H. 1955 - Contribution a l'etude des Cixiidae et Flatidae (Hemiptera-Homoptera). Exploration du Parc National Upemba. Mission G. F. de Witte (1946-49) 32
Anterior part of the vertex short, anterior edge more or less angularly convex. A longitudinal furrow on the vertex. Ochre-brown forehead, black base, with small black spots along the side edges. Vertex, pronotum and scutellum with black longitudinal band; scutellum has in addition, two black bands on the scapular angles. Elytra ocre, spotted with dark brown, with brown veins. Hind tibiae with two spines.

Original description (Seliza plagosa) in:
Distant, W.L. 1911. Insecta Transvaaliensia: A Contribution to a Knowledge of the Entomology of South Africa. Page 204 & illustration table 20, figure 10.

Head, pronotum, mesonotum, sternum, and legs ferruginous-brown; abdomen above and beneath more or less ochraceous; vertex and pronotum with a central black longitudinal line; mesonotum with three longitudinal broad black fasciae; face beneath anteriorly black, its lateral margins ochraceous; tegmina pale brownish-ochraceous, the veins darker, robust, and here and there piceous, some pale greyish subapical spots, the most prominent of which are above the apex of claval area; wings very pale fuliginous (these are not shown in the figure, owing to their crumpled condition in the type); head and pronotum sparingly obscurely granulose.
Long. , excl. tegm. , 3 , 6 millim.; exp . tegm. , 18 millim.
Type locality: Waterberg District (Limpopo, South Africa) .

iNat observation: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/176066709

Publicado el febrero 18, 2024 12:24 TARDE por traianbertau traianbertau


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