Diario del proyecto Australasian Fishes

Archivos de diario de agosto 2021

01 de agosto de 2021

If 4000 people held hands...

Hi fish-fans,
I'm delighted to be able to inform you of another project milestone. Australasian Fishes now contains observations from over 4000 people.
I wanted to give you an 'on the water' analogy of how incredible this is. So, with your indulgence, I'll ask you to imagine all 4000 of us holding hands with our arms outstretched. In this friendly display of community, the Conger line (enjoy the pun!) would extend most of the way from Sydney Harbour Bridge to South Head, a trip that would take about 15 minutes on the ferry.
So, to each of you, thank you so much for your contribution. I hope that despite the tragedy of Covid-19, by this time next year, the Conger line will extend out of The Heads and depending upon your preference, either north towards the tropics or south into more temperate waters.
Publicado el agosto 1, 2021 06:56 MAÑANA por markmcg markmcg | 6 comentarios | Deja un comentario

19 de agosto de 2021

Is it an egg?

This wonderful photo, which shows White's Seahorses mating, was taken by Nicolas and Léna Remy.
They stated, "These 2 seahorses were mating and transferring eggs. Wondering if the pink dot next to the male's pouch would be an egg."
I replied according to my limited knowledge but as is often the case, there are experts in the Australasian Fishes community. At-tagging these people led to a very informative reply from Dr Dave Harasti, who wrote, "The pink dot on the female is definitely an egg being transferred into the male's flaccid pouch. Normally there is a 'chain' of eggs that can be seen during the transfer and they are always pink in H. whitei, not sure about the colour in other species."
Looking back through my file of noteworthy observations, I found this observationof a small male Bigbelly Seahorse with freshly deposited eggs, some of which are on the belly outside the pouch. These eggs are orange rather than pink.
So, here's the next challenge. Does anyone have images of other species of seahorses in the process of egg transfer? Let's see if we can document fresh egg colouration for other species of seahorses in Australia and New Zealand.
Thank you, Nicolas and Léna for uploading such an interesting observation. :)
Publicado el agosto 19, 2021 06:46 MAÑANA por markmcg markmcg | 7 comentarios | Deja un comentario