Welcome to our first Summer Bioblitz of 2021!

Thank you for joining our Ecology Ottawa iNatrualist page! We are so excited for our upcoming Bioblitz starting this Friday, June 18th to Sunday, June 20th. We hope you are just as excited as us to explore Ottawa and support the collection of much needed data on our city’s biodiversity.

Our first Summer Bioblitz of 2021 begins Friday! We are challenging you to search and discover all living things in Ottawa, from plants, butterflies, to insects, anything is fair game! So get ready to grab your phones, get outside, and explore all the beautiful nature in our city.

Can only join us for one day? That’s alright! Life can be busy, we get it! We would love for you to participate in any way you can! So, whether you can join us for one day or snap a couple photos as you go about your day, ALL observations matter!

If you haven’t signed up yet and want to stay updated on all our upcoming Summer Bioblitz events and our Biodiversity Campaign, click here: https://www.ecologyottawa.ca/summer_bioblitz

We’re looking forward to seeing all your observations!

Yours naturally,

The Ecology Ottawa team

Publicado el junio 14, 2021 03:06 TARDE por biodiversity_ecologyottawa biodiversity_ecologyottawa


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