Diario del proyecto Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge

Archivos de diario de enero 2016

04 de enero de 2016

New Year, New Goals

December 2015 was a record setting month for the FWNC&R iNaturalist project. A total of 424 observations were logged in during the month crushing the previous record of 190 observations in October 2015. Much of the credit goes to Bob777 who has been adding archived observations from the Refuge since joining the project, Sambiology who took a day off work to search for observations on the Refuge, Brenledbetter, dedicated Natural Guard volunteer, and Nativefishnic, Griff, and Mustardlypig, Refuge staff members, who have diligently added to our floral and faunal data. Thanks to all of these folks for everything that they do to provide us with the vital information needed to adequately manage the natural resources of the FWNC&R.

So, we end 2015 with 1,366 observations, 1,150 of which were entered during the past year, and 589 species observed. Impressive totals but only a drop in the bucket compared to what can be found on the Refuge. Our Refuge plant species list is over 1,000 (Thanks Bob777) and Ebird shows over 200 species of birds on the property. Let's try to reach 3,000 observations and 1,000 species by the end of 2016.

Publicado el enero 4, 2016 05:28 TARDE por rdenkhaus rdenkhaus | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario
