Diario del proyecto Great Southern Bioblitz 2020 - Surf Coast

Archivos de diario de septiembre 2020

25 de septiembre de 2020

Off and blitzin'

Hi Surf Coaster Bioblitzers!

The weather hasn't really shone, and may not shine for us this weekend :( But I hope we've all enjoyed the warm and sunny days in the lead up.

It would be great for each of us to put in a good show for observations from a number of different areas:


*Tall forest


*Beach Comb

*Marine -- chilly for a dive but I might just go there (inspired by 'My Octopus Teacher')

Enjoy all :)


Publicado el septiembre 25, 2020 01:24 MAÑANA por possumpete possumpete | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

29 de septiembre de 2020

Great blitz everyone

Well done and thanks to everyone who bioblitzed the Surf Coast this past weekend.

The weather was a challenge on the first couple of days but thankfully the sun came out for Sunday and Monday - even if it was still a bit chilly!

That low temperature meant that my favourite moths weren't a feature this time, but despite missing out on that biodiverse fauna group, we have observed over 400 species -which is a new record for one of our September surveys.

I would encourage everyone to check out the Great Southern Bioblitz Umbrella Project and click through some of the interesting projects from South America, Africa and others in Aus too. Then if you click the 'Stats' you will be able to single out a taxa to look at like birds, molluscs, mammals.

There's now over 75,000 observations of over 10,000 species from the Southern Hemisphere to check out! An amazing result.

(If you use the ALA affiliation for your iNaturalist account)

(straight up iNaturalist account)


Publicado el septiembre 29, 2020 10:55 TARDE por possumpete possumpete | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
