Diario del proyecto I Spy and Identify Invasives / Je vois, J’identifie les espèces envahissantes

Archivos de diario de junio 2023

13 de junio de 2023

May Wrap-Up

After a brief hiatus from our Monthly Wrap-Ups, we are back at it! May was a busy month for the I Spy and Identify Invasives/Je vois, J’identifie les espèces envahissantes project, with a total of 480 project members identifying a whopping 27,940 observations of 3,741 unique native and invasive species across Canada. Of those, 3156 observations of 560 species were of introduced species, including the following invasive species:
Banded mystery snail (Callinina georgiana) observed by project member @heatherpickard in White Lake, Ontario.This is the second observation of this species in the lake and the first since 2018. The Banded Mystery Snail is an invasive species that has spread to several provinces in Canada, including Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick. This snail species is a popular aquarium pet that was likely introduced to the wild through an accidental release. These snails pose a threat to native freshwater ecosystems as they outcompete native snail species for resources and can disrupt the balance of aquatic habitats.
Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) observed by project member @aimeepelletier in Cusheon Lake, Salt Spring Island - the first sighting of smallmouth bass in this water body. The Smallmouth Bass is an invasive species that has become a concern in several provinces and territories in Canada, including Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. The spread of this species is a result of accidental introductions when used as live bait and the illegal stocking of waterbodies for recreational fishing. Despite their popularity as a game fish, Smallmouth Bass negatively impact native fish populations by competing for resources and preying on their eggs and young. Their introduction disrupts spawning habitats and reduces biodiversity. Take the ISCBC’S Invasive-Wise Angler eLearning course for more information on responsible angling practices. And remember: Don’t Let It Loose! Never release pets or non-native aquatic species into the wild as they often can spread and harm ecosystems. To avoid spreading invasive species from one water body to another, always Clean Drain Dry your boat and gear after returning to land.
Five observations of Spongy Moth (Lymantria dispar dispar) were observed in Ontario. This invasive moth poses a significant threat to Ontario's forests due to its detrimental effects on tree health. The larvae defoliate trees, weakening them and increasing their vulnerability to stressors like drought and disease. This disrupts tree reproduction and can lead to mortality in severe infestations, affecting the entire forest ecosystem. This moth has also spread to other provinces, including British Columbia, Quebec, and New Brunswick. Efforts across these regions focus on surveillance, early detection, and rapid response measures to contain its spread. Aerial application of biological insecticides helps manage localized outbreaks and prevent establishment in new areas. These collective efforts aim to protect the forests and ecosystems from the damaging impacts of the Spongy Moth.

Some notable species-at-risk spotted this month included:
Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) observed sunning itself in Ontario by iNat user @msouthee.
The Massasauga snake, a venomous pit viper found in North America (and the only venomous snake found in Ontario), is considered a threatened species under the Species at Risk Act. This small to medium-sized rattlesnake lives in a range of different habitats including marshes, bogs, prairie, and forest. It faces significant conservation challenges, including habitat loss and degradation due to development, encroachment of invasive herbaceous vegetation such as reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) and giant reed grass (Phragmites sp.) which reduce wetland habitat suitability, road mortality (being hit by vehicles), and human persecution due to their perceived threat. However, they are very shy creatures and bites are exceedingly rare.
Sticky locoweed (Oxytropis borealis var. viscida) in Bighorn No. 8, Alberta was observed by iNat user @blakeweis . A member of the pea family, this species is found growing in clusters in alpine or sub-alpine habitats throughout western North America. Its leaves are covered in glandular hairs that secrete a sticky substance, which helps protect the plant from desiccation, reduce herbivory, and aid in nutrient absorption from the soil. Its tendency to grow in discrete “islands” and its vulnerability to erosion and trampling has earned its “vulnerable” status in Alberta. There are only 77 observations of this taxon in all of Canada. To protect the remaining sticky locoweed populations, be sure to Play Clean Go - thoroughly clean your clothing, footwear, and equipment before and after hiking to prevent the spread of invasive species.

Well, those are the highlights for May – as summer draws nearer, we look forward to seeing even more observations of flora and fauna across Canada (whether invasive, exotic, or native) – Keep on spying and identifying, and see you next month with the June Wrap-Up!

Publicado el junio 13, 2023 05:26 TARDE por abeemcc abeemcc | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario