Archivos de diario de febrero 2019

03 de febrero de 2019

Welcome to Leafminers of North America

Hi everybody!

Thanks for adding your photos of leaf mines to this project. Just a few hours in and there are already over 600 observations! I wanted to mention a few things in addition to what is in the "About" section:

  • If your photos are already part of a regional leafminer project, there is no need to add them here, since I've created an umbrella project to keep track of them all: ...If you are aware of others (or decide to start one), just let me know and I'll add them on.
  • There is lots left to learn about leafminers, so if you encounter mines that can't be identified, I encourage you to try rearing them to adults. My rearing methods are outlined here:
  • For a complete accounting of what leafminers are known from every plant in North America, including mysteries that need further investigation, see my Leafminers of North America e-book:

There are well over 2000 species out there, and the umbrella project currently registers 119, so let's see how many more you can find!


Publicado el febrero 3, 2019 08:45 TARDE por ceiseman ceiseman | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario