Archivos de diario de abril 2021

13 de abril de 2021

50,000 Track & Sign Observations


I just wanted to let you know that today we surpassed 50,000 track and sign observations in the North American Animal Tracks Database on iNaturalist! Thank you for contributing to this project and helping make it an absolutely incredible resource.

As of now, the database includes observations of 1,232 species from 6,449 people!

Here's how I like to use it as an amazing field guide:

  1. Go to the Animal Tracking Database
  2. Type the name of a species you're interested (e.g., "black bear") into the "Species" field at the top.
  3. On the upper left corner of the map, click "Grid" to view the grid of photos.

And here's the final result (2,291 photos of bear tracks, scat, and sign!)

Thanks again for all your efforts!


Publicado el abril 13, 2021 01:15 MAÑANA por jonahevans jonahevans | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario