Archivos de diario de septiembre 2022

09 de septiembre de 2022

Come and chat!

Hi folks

Thanks for joining this project. Great to see what you're all uncovering. I'm running a wee session on Sunday afternoon (11th Sep) as part of the Antiuniversity festival to chat through what we're up to. Would be lovely to see you there (on Zoom) if you fancy it!

Publicado el septiembre 9, 2022 05:00 TARDE por wrennis wrennis | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de septiembre de 2022

Nature fights back!

Hi all,

We had some really fruitful conversations at our recent event hosted by Jenny (wrennis). I've written a bit of a summary and some reflections in a blog. Here's a link for anyone interested:

It would be great to do similar again in the future. If anyone would like to be involved, or has any ideas about building the community, do feel free to reach out.

Thanks again Jenny!

Publicado el septiembre 14, 2022 08:10 MAÑANA por greengreenteas greengreenteas | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
