Taxonomic Swap 11203 (Guardado el 19/05/2015)

The global plant lists have it under Cornus racemosa:

Since it was already swapped from Cornus to Swida:
I don't want to simply swap it back if Swida racemosa is more widely known and used in North America.

In that case, I suggest to exchange input and output taxon, and commit the swap.

Añadido por jakob el mayo 16, 2015 09:23 MAÑANA | Comprometido por jakob el 19 de mayo de 2015
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According to IPNI and USDA, Swida racemosa is a synonym and the current accepted name is Cornus racemosa. I think you're safe to make the swap.

Publicado por chriswbrown hace más de 9 años

These are messy but my overall inpression both on iNat and in the botany community as a whole is to go with Cornus. Unfortunately Flora of Nova Anglicae (New England) which is the main plant source we use for the northeast, used Swida causing lots of confusion. But... best to go with Cornus for now.

Publicado por charlie hace más de 9 años

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