Taxonomic Swap 124952 (Guardado el 27/03/2023)

Group GC, Roalson EH, Jiménez-Mejías P, et al (2021) A framework infrageneric classification of Carex (Cyperaceae) and its organizing principles. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59:726–762.

Añadido por rynxs el marzo 28, 2023 01:28 MAÑANA | Comprometido por rynxs el 27 de marzo de 2023
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This swap is not my own doing; I am not sure I agree with it, but I understand the logic behind it.
Basically, many of the currently recognized sections in this clade (ex: Lupulinae) have been recovered as polyphyletic in several phylogenetic analyses. Outlining a natural classification of the sections in the Hirta clade (following Roalson et al. 2021) is one of the goals of my Ph.D.
This swap may be premature, and it is making my job harder now because it causes a loss of information (for example, all the lupulina/lupuliformis that were IDed under "section Lupulinae" before the swap are now bumped back to a really big group of ca. 106 species and they are harder to browse through).
I have no better solution to propose for now, you are going to have to wait about 3 years before I (hopefully) publish a revised classification of the sections of this clade!

Publicado por elacroix-carignan hace más de 1 año

If you need a link for C. lupulina/lupuliformis group observations, this one displays all observations identified as either species:

There's a link to the Identify portal at the bottom right of the Filters menu that allows you to go straight to identifying using the parameters from the current Explore search.

Publicado por rynxs hace más de 1 año

Thanks @rynxs for that query, I was not aware of the ident_taxon parameter!
Still, the issue is not solved for observations that were identified as section Lupulinae or Vesicariae from the start (almost a thousand observations). I also spent a lot of time identifying things using the now obsolete sections. For example, I corrected about a hundred observations of misidentified Carex lurida that were either C. frankii or aureolensis. As the last two species are impossible to tell apart without photos of specific structures, I put those under sect. Squarrosae, the lowest common denominator at the time. But with the taxon swap, the disagreeing ID is not recorded and they still show up as Carex lurida now. Anyway, I will stop rambling ;)

Publicado por elacroix-carignan hace más de 1 año

It may be a bit slow to use, but here's an external GitHub API that finds withdrawn IDs of sect. Lupulinae (827 hits):

It will only work for observations pre-swap, and some observations will be listed multiple times due to having multiple withdrawn IDs of sect. Lupulinae, but it's the best we have at the moment.

Here's one for all your IDs on only your content that have been affected by taxon swaps (186 hits):

This one is for all your IDs on others' content that have been affected by taxon swaps (2,172 hits):

You can edit and experiment with these URLs to target specific groups, as the first link does. Let me know if you need taxon IDs for inactivated taxa.

If you ever want to do something with the Identify portal, Compare Tool, or Explore, especially using iNat URLs, let me know. There are a lot of cool features that many identifiers don't know to use. The "&per_page=" modifier, for example, allows you to set up to 200 observations per page, which is especially useful if iNat is slow to load (like for me). Here's a quick guide:

Publicado por rynxs hace más de 1 año

That's amazing! Thanks again for showing me those tools I didn't know existed! I am going to start exploring these now! @elbourret

Publicado por elacroix-carignan hace más de 1 año

I guess the taxonomy of sections on iNaturalist is inherently unstable; a single taxonomic rearrangement (ex: one species removed from a section) and a new entity has to be created on iNat to account for the change and all the observations IDed to the former section now go into limbo and are bumped back to a higher taxonomical level.

Publicado por elacroix-carignan hace más de 1 año

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