Taxonomic Swap 128373 (Guardado el 20/07/2023)

Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some ... (Referencia)
Añadido por sjl197 el julio 21, 2023 02:07 MAÑANA | Comprometido por sjl197 el 20 de julio de 2023
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This should be in Catagramma per BOA which is our principal source for neotropical butterfly taxonomy. is terribly out of date!

Publicado por belgianbirding hace 10 meses
Publicado por belgianbirding hace 10 meses

Thanks for highlight, I agree that i mis-stepped here. I was merging some others in tribe that had been misduplicated, then was looking towards grouping the "Paulogramma". I'd only put " Savela" as the source as there it was valid under Callicore, rather than saying that I trust it. That said, i'm seeing times also not to trust BOA, but indeed seems better updated and "more authoritative". Yet here i wrongly thought BOA wasn't updated. After this change i stopped to email them about the broader issues. I'll likely comment on that other closed flag with useful internal discussion, i had not seen it - thanks for pointing it out.

Publicado por sjl197 hace 10 meses

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