Taxonomic Merge 138057 (Guardado el 18/01/2024)

These genera are being synonymised with Rhytiphora as per the most recent generic revision of the Australian Lamiinae (Slipinski and Escalona 2013). This is also supported by more recent molecular work (see Ashman et al. 2022a, b, 2023).

Australian Longhorn Beetles: Volume 1... (Referencia)
Añadido por jtweed el enero 19, 2024 05:34 MAÑANA | Comprometido por jtweed el 18 de enero de 2024
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This produced several species names now not in same gender than genus . . .

Publicado por borisb hace 6 meses

. . . and at least one doublet taxon
(bispinosa present twice - one under genus, one under subgenus Saperdopsis)

Publicado por borisb hace 6 meses

Hi Boris! Thanks for pointing that out. I will try to go through and tidy everything up to align with the revision. I'm not sure why Saperdopsis and several of the other old genera are listed as subgenera... Cheers!

Publicado por jtweed hace 6 meses

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