Taxonomic Swap 143264 (Guardado el 19/05/2024)

the revival of the Indo-Australian genus Guastica as a valid genus was made in G.Leraut 2021 (p58).

This genus was previously placed as a synonym of the Neotropical genus Piesmopoda, which I discussed with Franziska Bauer a few years ago - we both concluded the two genera were not related by comparing illustrations of genitalia in publications of the phycitines from Sumatra and Belize. G. Leraut also agrees with this opinion.

Spécies géneral des Phycitinae (Lep. ... (Referencia)
Añadido por hkmoths el mayo 20, 2024 05:17 MAÑANA | Comprometido por hkmoths el 19 de mayo de 2024
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