Taxonomic Swap 24032 (Guardado el 24/08/2017)

The Pelham catalog ( has now incorporated the multiple systematic studies that have shown Hesperiidae to be embedded within Papilionoidea. All butterflies and skippers in the Catalogue are now listed under Papilionoidea.

A Catalogue of the Butterflies of the... (Referencia)
Añadido por nlblock el agosto 7, 2017 12:53 MAÑANA | Comprometido por nlblock el 24 de agosto de 2017
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Hola, @loarie and @kueda! The most recent update to the Pelham catalog now has skippers included under Papilionoidea, but I still wanted to make sure it was okay to commit this change. I already moved Hesperiidae under Papilionoidea, as that's something easily undone if needed. What do you think? Cheers!

Publicado por nlblock hace casi 7 años

Hi! @nlblock
Thanks for doing the "change", you're right, actually Hesperioidea is not a superfamily, now is a familiy of Papilionoidea, in fact, Hesperiidae is sister group of Hedylidae (before Hedyloidea) so... Papilionoidea has 7 families! (check this: )

Publicado por sej_hdz hace casi 7 años

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