Taxonomic Swap 30244 (Guardado el 27/01/2018)

merging synonyms

Añadido por nanofishology el enero 28, 2018 03:57 MAÑANA | Comprometido por nanofishology el 27 de enero de 2018
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I disagree as regards the change of classification which is to place Parabrochymena in synonym for Brochymena because we base ourselves on an opinion and not on a scientific article.
Parabrochymena has to be a genus to part according to Rider (2012. The Heteroptera (Hemiptera) of North Dakota I: Pentatomomorpha: Pentatomoidea. The Great Lakes Entomologist Vol. 45: 312-380):
It is written on the page 348: "Acceptance of this division has not been universal, but it seems best to follow this classification until a more thorough study has been completed (see McPherson and Ahmad 2005, 2007, for further discussion)".
I suggest to read this note of my blog:
I shall continue to write Parabrochymena arborea on my entomological labels.

Publicado por jeanfrancoisroch hace más de 6 años



With respect, Alysa, I am not all that happy about what I see here. Particularly with you noting the following:
Source : unknown

What was the inspiration for this taxonomic action? You claim synonymy. Where and by whom?


Publicado por beetledude hace más de 6 años

Sorry, for whatever reason the "sources" box is very specific and doesn't allow me to add a source. I based the change on Bugguide, which is iNat's listed authority for North American taxonomy, per iNat's policies are to defer to the listed authorities, and "we explicitly do not track the taxonomy from the primary literature"

The discussion on bugguide is old (2011), but as Bugguide is iNat's insect authority, policy is to use its taxonomy.

Publicado por nanofishology hace más de 6 años

Noted. With concern.

Publicado por beetledude hace más de 6 años

I think the key is to find a bugguide curator and have them update the main page to reflect what seems to be the current understanding of these. If this discussion was from 2011, but the paper came out in 2012, I'd think it's time for them to at least acknowledge the paper on the page.

Publicado por nanofishology hace más de 6 años

Why do not we have to correct the error?

Publicado por jeanfrancoisroch hace alrededor de 6 años
Publicado por beetledude hace alrededor de 6 años

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