Taxonomic Swap 88534 (Guardado el 24/06/2024)

POWO and standard current floras of WA [Flora PNW 2], OR [OregonFlora], CA [Calflora and Jepson eFlora], and BC [eFlora BC] all synonymize A. amplexicaulis under A. lanceolata subsp. prima.

If anyone's interested, I've reviewed the taxonomic history on obs 68918654, but it shouldn't matter much. This seems fairly open and shut clerically, but I'll leave it open for someone else to commit.

@bouteloua @jdmore @eralverson @walterfertig

Añadido por ajwright el febrero 1, 2021 09:26 TARDE | Comprometido por kierandh el 24 de junio de 2024
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