Taxonomic Swap 95726 (Guardado el 10/08/2021)

Phylogeography of Martes foina in Greece (Referencia)
Añadido por bobby23 el julio 30, 2021 03:47 TARDE | Comprometido por bobby23 el 10 de agosto de 2021
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Hello, @yiannisbanak. Tsoupas et al. (2019) finds the martens of Crete and Rhodes Islands to fall within the same clade as the mainland marten subspecies (Martes foina foina) when subjected to phylogenetic review. What do you think? Do you believe this would be an uncontroversial swap? (Of note, the study does not make mention of Martes foina bosniaca, which is supposedly the subspecies found in the Balkan Peninsula. Do you know of any material that subsumes it within M. f. foina?)

Publicado por bobby23 hace casi 3 años

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