Taxonomic Swap 12231 (Guardado el 06/08/2015)

This is a reversion of While Ngā Tipu Aotearoa – New Zealand Plants places this species in Erythranthe, Calflora and GoBotany place it in Mimulus. The Plant List (our tie-breaker authority for plants) does not even include the name Erythranthe guttata, so I think there's a clear case to maintain placement in Mimulus.

Some useful links: (goes to an entirely different species)

See also this Google Group thread about this topic:

And for the record, while taxonomic revisions of Mimulus remain controversial, please remember that at iNat we do not base our taxonomy on primary taxonomic research unless we absolutely have to, and instead rely on the opinions of secondary taxonomic authorities. In this case, there are abundant opinions by secondary authorities, and that is the justification for making this change, not the strength of any underlying sequence data or what have you. For more about our policy of not following the primary literature, see

The Plant List (2013). Version 1.1 (Referencia)
Añadido por kueda el agosto 4, 2015 06:08 TARDE | Comprometido por kueda el 06 de agosto de 2015
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I think this sounds reasonable

Publicado por loarie hace alrededor de 9 años

Thanks for the links, appreciate the rationale behind your thinking.

Publicado por brewbooks hace alrededor de 9 años

The vast majority of the scientists studying Mimulus support retention of name Mimulus guttatus. Breaking the genus of Mimulus apart is controversial and is only based on shaky phylogenetic evidence and was not the only taxonomic solution given the data. I would be happy to talk about this with folks further on this issue if they like.

Publicado por davidlowry hace alrededor de 9 años

And you're one of those Mimulus scientists, right David?

Publicado por loarie hace alrededor de 9 años

Yes, I have eleven years of experience conducting research with Mimulus guttatus.

Publicado por davidlowry hace alrededor de 9 años

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