
Considered to be Sinosenecio newcombei in Flora of North America (2006). Transferred to Tephroseris by Nordenstam and Pelser (2011) based on molecular evidence. The molecular evidence still placed Sinosenecio newcombei as the least similar of all the other Tephroseris , and left the remainingSinosenecio as polyphyletic, so I am expecting further changes.

Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 2006. Flora of North America North of Mexico, vol 20.

Nordenstam, Bertil, and Pieter B Pelser. 2011. Notes on the generic limits of Sinosenecio and Tephroseris (Compositae - Senecioneae). Compositae Newsletter 49: 1-9.

Publicado por stu_crawford hace casi 5 años

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