17-05-2018 14:20 h https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/interpolating-coordinates/5170 ng ?interpolate_coordinates=true to the edit observation URL (the URL you’re at when you’re editing an obs, e.g. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/edit?interpolate_coordinates=true) will fill in coordinate https://old.observation.org/user/view/1058?q=&akt=0&g=0&from=2023-04-19&to=2024-04-18&prov=0&z=0&sp=0&gb=0&method=0&cdna=0&f=0&m=K&zeker=O&month=0&rows=20&only_hidden=0&zoektext=0&tag=0&plum=0&from=2018-05-17&to=2018-05-17&q=&zoektext=0&g=0&z=0&month=0&prov=0&tag=0&m=K&zeker=O&rows=20&only_hidden=0
Medicago klopt, maar geen gevlekte. De vruchten van gevlekte zijn anders. Een suggestie over de soort doe ik niet, moeilijk geslacht.
Medicago polymorpha M. trunculata can
Medicago minima
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/62283604 36.875, 31.013
Clear, pointed cell at leaf apex; strong costa stops below apex. Common moss of tree bases & trunks
The thing is that Q. rotundifolia is a synonym for Q. ilex sbsp. rotundifolia, and is used somtimes one and sometimes another depending on the internet page or the person, so is not totally incorrect to call this plant Q. ilex, but in this page they divided it into two species, Q. ilex (other people calls it Q. ilex sbsp. ilex) and Q. rotundifolia (other people calls it Q. ilex sbsp. ballota or Q. ilex sbsp. rotundifolia)
Tetraclita japonica
Japanese Volcano Barnacle
Two SESSILE barnacles which look like Tetraclita japonica
Japanese Volcano Barnacle
true limpets (Schaalhoren, volcanoes, Subclass Patellogastropoda), Left top en Right Bottom etc, but none are slipper snails. Two SESSILE barnacles which look like Tetraclita
A) (pink LeftBottom) something like a shark eye (molusca in order Littorinimorpha,Neverita duplicata), https://observation.org/waarneming/view/149818570
Also the yellow one is family Naticidae.
B) Anomalodiscus squamosus Squamose Venus Or False Cockle
Center-Right Top bivalve 2kleps together (order Arciida / Venerida), The paired valves are some kind of bivalve shell. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/17022217
C) Tetraclita japonica
Japanese Volcano Barnacle
2 true limpets (Schaalhoren, volcanoes, Subclass Patellogastropoda), Left top en Right Bottom etc, but none are slipper snails. Two SESSILE barnacles which look like Tetraclita species..https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/17022224
Genus Tetraclita(Patella)
A member of Suborder Balanomorpha Symmetrical Sessile Barnacles
Center Right The two white rounded ones are a Sinum species. White Snail on the right:Genus Sinum A member of Family Naticidae Moon Snails https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/10387096
The two white rounded ones are a Sinum species. White Snail on the right:Genus Sinum A member of Family Naticidae Moon Snails https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/10387096
E) Top Left. And the greenish one at the top is Trochoidea or Turbinidae, I can't tell which without seeing the other side. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/10505455
Olshevo Blue lakes stracha river ephemera lineata
Na enige kritiek op de fotos wat meer moeite en tijd genomen en nu kan ik andere fotos laten zien die ver achter het gaas zaten
http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6783384 Bükk-fennsík, Nagymező (Bükk Plateau, the Big Field)
WJ Arpi lake Armenie juli 004
2018:07:08 14:07:28
IM006823Kikker spec - e a Rhinella marina juvenile to me... but possibly other Rhinella juveniles may look similar Not a Rhinella (or a toad at all, for that matter), looks like one of the Leptodactylus frogs.
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/10410794 Duttaphrynus melanostictus
Asian Common Toad
Amphibalanus amphitrite
Striped Barnacle
The second photo for this observation was previously posted at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/10378702.
Stekende stekelnoot - Xanthium spinosum
Brown Anole Anolis sagrei
Cuban Emerald Chlorostilbon ricordii