Archivos de diario de febrero 2020

25 de febrero de 2020

Nature Walk Feb 18-25

Today we walked around the reservoir in the morning and it was wonderful and sunny. It got cloudy towards the end of our walk, and the wildlife was relatively quiet in the morning. The birds were spread out throughout the reservoir rather than being in one concentrated area, and there were not many people out. I've walked the reservoir multiple times, but I had never noticed the variety of mosses around the area. They all look the same from far away, as do the birds. I had always assumed all of the smaller birds were ducks, but this morning we saw many different types. Overall, it was a very good way to start the morning.

Publicado el febrero 25, 2020 04:41 TARDE por careyhd careyhd | 7 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
