Archivos de diario de marzo 2020

10 de marzo de 2020

Nature Walk Feb 25- March 10

On Sunday, a few hours before coming back to campus, I went on a nature walk with my mom. We went through our neighborhood and were checking out some of the creek and wooded areas to see what we could find. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, but we did not see that many people out. We went around 11 am, so it could have been in the middle of the times when people walk their dogs. We saw tons of moss and lichen, and in the creek, there were many aquatic plants , etc. There were not a lot of animals out, but there were many flowers and trees. We saw quite a few pine trees of different varieties. Overall, it was great to get outside and explore some parts of my neighborhood that I hadn't before!

Publicado el marzo 10, 2020 01:41 TARDE por careyhd careyhd | 8 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
