Archivos de diario de septiembre 2019

18 de septiembre de 2019

Walk Around Chestnut Hill Reservation 9/17/2019

Today I walked down to Chestnut Hill Reservation in hopes that I might see some birds or animals of some sort, however it seemed like a fairly quite evening, and I was unable to spot any that I could photograph. However, I saw more variety of plants than I had expected. Initially it seemed like there were only a few different types of trees like oaks, honeysuckles, and pines, but as I continued walking around I began to take more notice of the shrubs around the base of the trees. While they didn't stand out at first, as I looked closer there were many different types, a few of which I chose to photograph. It was interesting how even though there were many large trees, much of the greenery on the ground was from the shrubs at the base of the trees. I wrapped up my walk right as the sun was setting, and it was a nice end of the day.

Publicado el septiembre 18, 2019 12:55 MAÑANA por maggiekleahy maggiekleahy | 9 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
