Archivos de diario de noviembre 2019

15 de noviembre de 2019

A Walk Around Campus 11/10/2019

On Sunday as a break I decided to take a walk down to the reservoir. While walking down from my dorm on upper I was lucky and was able to see the group of six turkeys that frequent that part of campus. They were walking around very close to the sidewalk and did not seem very bothered by the amount of students walking close by. As I continued walking I decided to cut through the small park by the Plex. While walking I did not see much animal life, but all of a sudden saw a chipmunk scuttle across some leaves. If I hadn't been very observant I would have completely missed it, and it was really interesting seeing it in such a habitat that it was able to camouflage. I kept walking and came to the Reservoir. I was able to see the swans, mallards, and geese that share the water. Finally as I headed back up to my dorm I decided to take the "scenic" route back and to avoid the stairs walked along Beacon Street. As I walked past the backyard area of the dorms I saw several squirrels that enjoy the oak trees there. They were close by to where the turkeys were, and neither species bothered the other. It was interesting observing as all of these animals were preparing for winter, gathering food and feasting while they can.

Publicado el noviembre 15, 2019 09:53 TARDE por maggiekleahy maggiekleahy | 7 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
