Soundcloud's Future?

Just a note to those of us who use Soundcloud to host our recordings here on Inaturalist.
Soundcloud is in some financial trouble (and have been for some time). If you value the recording vouchers you have on there, you might want to make sure you have backups of those recordings.

Hopefully, Inaturalist will eventually catch up with the times and allow us to upload mp3s directly rather than having to rely on what may be an unreliable source!

Publicado el julio 8, 2017 02:30 MAÑANA por sandboa sandboa


Thanks for the news! I don't post many audio observations, but the ones I do are on Soundcloud. Have you posted this info on the iNat Google group so the developers can consider adding that functionality to the site?

Publicado por kimberlietx hace casi 7 años

It is really a disturbing development. I saw it on the news yesterday. I am truly concerned about the future of such an original and unique online service as SC.
As for my recordings, those are so backed up! Since I share the files from my PC and not from the SC app which does not encourage back up.
Thanks for notifying the community!

Publicado por dotun55 hace casi 7 años

thanks for the news

Publicado por finrod hace casi 7 años

thanks for the info

what about ?

Publicado por craigwilson10 hace casi 7 años

Xeno-canto is a good option for birds, but they don't take any other type of recordings.

And the soundcloud news may be worse than we thought -

Publicado por sandboa hace casi 7 años

I hope iNat's admins are aware of this @kueda @loarie.

Maybe a good reason to prioritize sound recordings within iNat rather than through a 3rd party. Would be also good to then migrate recordings stored on SC to iNat.

Even if SoundCloud's future isn't in immediate danger, it's still a reminder to backup sounds similar to photos on external sites (Flickr, FB etc).

Publicado por jakob hace casi 7 años

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