Audio Editing Software

I personally use Adobe Soundbooth for my editing. As with all Adobe products it is expensive, has a steep learning curve but is high quality. If it didn't come in a package with other software that I purchased I wouldn't spend the money on it since I am only a hobbyist.

Raven Lite is a free software from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology that will let you edit your recordings. I have heard decent reviews about it but haven't used it.

If you have other suggestions please leave a message so that others can know about it.

Update - As of April 2020 I've starting using Audacity. The learning curve was much easier than Adobe Soundbooth and works as well for my needs.

Publicado el enero 23, 2015 03:35 TARDE por finatic finatic


On my computer I use, which is a bit clunky but functional. On my phone I've been using, which is hideous but functional. I see they've added in-app purchases, though, which might ruin it.

Publicado por kueda hace más de 9 años

Another big vote for Audacity. It is freeware and it available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux platforms. There is an extensive online community providing great tips and tricks on how to best use it. Once you get used to using it, it is as powerful as many of the expensive options that are available.

I have Raven Lite and Adobe Audition as well but I find Audacity easier to use than either of those for most of my sound editing needs.

Publicado por sandboa hace más de 9 años

I use Audacity. It's a powerful sound editor that meets all my needs for editing nature recordings. Best of all it's free. There are also many free digital filters that can be added.

Publicado por lg_price hace alrededor de 9 años

I've used Sony products in the past for non-naturalist projects, but I am now using Audacity, which is just as good as the commercial products.

Publicado por jay hace casi 8 años

For tagging, clipping, and transcribing from my audio, I've been using Sound Studio (Mac only). I like it. It's elegant and does what I need. Audacity is good too but complicated and clunky in comparison.

Publicado por jon_sullivan hace casi 7 años

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