Flora in Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal

28 July 2017 (Friday)
We worked at the Jerwood Center most of the day. In the afternoon I met with Sally Hall, the gardener. We sat for a long time in the potting shed in the back garden at Dove Cottage, talking about flowers and other things with a couple from Lancashire. Then we walked around to the orchard and the back garden and talked about the flowers there. I am so privileged to have been able to meet Sally and spend a few hours with here. We walked back to the hostel, enjoyed some delicious chili prepared by Naomi King, had evening prayers, and retired. I have slept so well at the hostel, looking through my little window out across the slate roof on to the fells and the little spots of sheep and fading light.

Publicado el agosto 2, 2017 12:31 TARDE por melindacreech melindacreech


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