Flora in Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal

29 July 2017 (Saturday)
Today we traveled to Ulswater to re-enact Wordsworth’s account of his boat-stealing scene. We came to Patterdale by van, renting our canoes, and took off in a light rain. We paddled to a cliff that matched Wordsworth’s description and then paddles backwards away from the cliff and watcher the “huge Cliff” rose up from behind “That craggy Steep.” It was quite other-worldly. I can imagine how frightening it could have been for a nine-year-old boy by moonlight. We paddled over to an island and got out in the midst of a sudden onslaught of wind and rain. We left the island, paddling back across to the shore against the wind and waves and rain. It was no easy task. I lunched on a Ploughman’s Platter at “Fell Bites.” The bleu cheese tasted like the fells smell. We returned to Grasmere by a circuitous route toward Keswick, because the direct route had been closed due to a fatal automobile/pedestrian accident. After we arrived at the hostel, Robert and I took one more walk to town and back, enjoying one last time the back way down the Easedale and Mill roads. We leave Grasmere in the morning.

Publicado el agosto 2, 2017 12:33 TARDE por melindacreech melindacreech


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