Flora in Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal

30 July 2017
Today we leave this “little mountain nook.” It has been a delightful two weeks. We attended church at St. Oswald’s. I had a look at the Wordsworth memorial in the church. Sally Hall, the gardener at Dove Cottage, told me that the flower carved onto the memorial was actually a greater celandine and should have been a lesser celandine. There were also carvings of flowers and leaves on the pulpit at the church. After lunch we left Grasmere by bus for Windermere, caught a train at Windermere, and at Oxenholme transferred to a train for Manchester airport. Waiting at the train at Oxenholme, I observed daisies, purple loosestrife, and, what I think were, black bear berries. There was a profusion of common ragwort all along the countryside. After arriving at Manchester, we made our way to our hotel, had supper at the hotel restaurant, and retired. I was reminded that Gerard Manley Hopkins spent some time in this city, serving as an interim priest at St. Joseph’s Jesuit Church. I hope to do an inaturalist for Hopkins flora and fauna next year.

Publicado el agosto 2, 2017 12:34 TARDE por melindacreech melindacreech


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