Tyler State Park Bioblitz

For the Texas Pollinator Bioblitz, Tyler State Park will be holding their own event Saturday, October 6th at 2pm. From TPWD website:

"Discover the explosion of color in the Post oak savannah as prairie and woodland wildflowers bloom. We will also see colorful pollinators and the equally colorful predators that hunt them. Dress for the weather and be ready for a short walk. Meet at the Blackjack Nature Trail."


@mikeintyler @sambiology @charlottewatsonsanders @phototime

That next Monday afternoon I will probably be at Caddo Lake WMA.

Sometime during the Bioblitz, I want to visit Kilgore's new park, Creekside Trail. http://www.kilgorenewsherald.com/stories/creekside-trail,129126

From photos of the new trail I've seen, it looks like there are large fields at the Dudley Road entrance which should contain a lot of pollinators. Since the trail runs along a creek, I'll briefly check it for fish for a future trip.

Publicado el septiembre 26, 2018 01:18 MAÑANA por cosmiccat cosmiccat


Thanks for the reminder! I did the spring walk at Blackjack Nature Trail with Boyd. Have the 10/6 event on my calendar. Hope to be able to see you there!

Publicado por charlottewatsonsa... hace casi 6 años

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