
In northern Arizona, winter is still in full swing. A little further south, however, the manzanita is blooming! Manzanita berries are edible, consumed by both humans and wildlife. During WWII, manzanita was referred to as ‘Mission Briar’, since the root burls were used to make pipes for smoking tobacco, when briar (Erica arborea), a heat resistant wood traditionally used In pipe-making, was unable to be imported from Europe. We have four species of manzanita in Arizona (Actostaphylos pringlei, Actostaphylos patula, Actostaphylos pungens, Actostaphylos uva-ursi). Pointleaf manzanita (Actostaphylos pungens) is likely to be the species that you will observe in flower at this time of year!

Take care & happy iNaturalisting!

Publicado el febrero 8, 2020 12:48 MAÑANA por azscurfpea azscurfpea


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