Introducing Ashlee and Dwarf Lousewort!

Hi everybody,

My name is Ashlee and I’ll be sharing some fun plant information with the TNBRC here on iNaturalist! I was born and raised in Arizona and have been learning about our native plants for the past ten years. I am excited to learn and share with all of you!

Spring is here and the low deserts are blooming! As much as I would love to venture to the warm and colorful lowlands, I am staying closer to home (Flagstaff) and following agency advice to slow the spread of covid-19.

Spring in the ponderosa pine forest can feel slow (and windy!), but along with the return of songbirds, there is some plant life popping up! A plant called Dwarf Lousewort (Pedicularis centranthera) can be found poking through pine litter. Its leaves are tinged purple because it is a partial root parasite, deriving some nutrients from the roots of its neighbors, as well as its own photosynthesis. Its tubular flowers are cream-colored with purple tips. The plant has been used to treat stomach aches in children and can also help quiet anxieties and muscle tension.

I hope you are all finding ways to enjoy the spring!

Publicado el abril 2, 2020 09:02 TARDE por azscurfpea azscurfpea


Great job, Ashlee! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace alrededor de 4 años

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