rusty blackbird

I was leaving my home in Sitka Alaska to go, and see what was at swan lake, and will I was walking saw a dark eyed junco chase, and grab at a robins tail feather I don't know why it was doing that, but I have seen it happen to robin a few times now. I crossed the road to go, and see what happened, and look at the robins, and juncos. When I got across the I saw black bird, and thought that that’s not a starling, and realised that it was a rusty blackbird, so I got out my camera, and took some photos of it. That bird is rare for here any time of year, so it was a exciting fined.

Publicado el diciembre 21, 2014 12:38 MAÑANA por sitkaconnor sitkaconnor


Fotos / Sonidos


Tordo Canadiense (Euphagus carolinus)




Diciembre 20, 2014


You spelled starling wrong!

Publicado por bluejay2007 hace más de 5 años

Thanks! I was quite young when I wrote these posts, so please pardon any miss spelling I have done!

Publicado por sitkaconnor hace más de 5 años

How old are you now?

Publicado por bluejay2007 hace más de 5 años

17 almost 18.

Publicado por sitkaconnor hace más de 5 años

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