Meet Our New ECO AmeriCorps Community Science Outreach Naturalist!

VCE welcomes Julia Pupko , our new ECO AmeriCorps Community Science Outreach Naturalist. Julia took the reigns following the end of Emily Anderson’s service last month and will be building on Emily’s outreach and education work for VCE’s community science projects. After the Vermont Lady Beetle Atlas pilot year in 2020, she will coordinate the launching of the first full year of the atlas in 2021. We hope to get as many volunteers as possible involved in helping us find some of our missing native species! Julia is also available to help you with iNaturalist, eBird, eButterfly or any other questions you may have pertaining to community science projects at VCE. She can help you via email ( or even set up a Zoom meeting to demonstrate to you while sharing her screen. Julia looks forward to engaging with all of those interested in helping us to discover, share, and conserve Vermont’s biodiversity over the course of her service!

Julia Pupko surveying Lady Beetles for the Atlas.

Publicado el septiembre 25, 2020 06:20 TARDE por kpmcfarland kpmcfarland


Hey everyone!! Just want to reiterate Kent's post and let you all know how excited I am to be serving VCE in this position!! Happy INatting and looking forward to connecting with many of you :)

Publicado por jpupko hace alrededor de 4 años


Publicado por betsy7 hace alrededor de 4 años

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