Vermont Lady Beetle Atlas Pilot Year

The Vermont Lady Beetle Atlas Pilot Year is not over yet!! A big thank you to you all for making our pilot year a great one! If you have any data sheets, please scan and email them to or mail in your paper copies to Vermont Center for Ecostudies PO Box 420 Norwich, VT 05055 as soon as you can. Once we have all of the data in, we will be able to share a summary of the year’s findings. Stay tuned for our end-of-the-year report coming at the end of next month!

Thus far, there have been 19 species of lady beetle recorded as Research Grade Observations in Vermont, 14 of which are native. One species found is the elusive Four-Spotted Spurleg Lady Beetle (Brachiacantha quadripunctata), which was not seen since 1976 prior to surveys done for this project. While fall has certainly arrived, it is not too late to get out there and conduct some more surveys—the beetles will be out until it we get our first deep frosts!! Additionally, certain lady beetles occur in the highest frequencies in September, as they prepare to overwinter in leaf litter or under rocks. Send some more surveys our way!

Publicado el septiembre 28, 2020 10:32 TARDE por jpupko jpupko


Anyone wanna guess the latest date this year someone reports a native lady beetle for Vermont? I'm wondering if it could be fairly late along Lake Champlain?! Maybe even into November?

Publicado por kpmcfarland hace alrededor de 4 años

Oct. 28 is my guess!!

Publicado por jpupko hace alrededor de 4 años

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