What's Eating Cicadas?

If you're the kind of iNaturalist who just loves joining projects (I know I am!), here's something for you: inspired by @billhubick, who's been compiling a list of critters that eat cicadas for the Maryland Biodiversity Project, I put together a traditional project called What's Eating Cicadas? to collect observations of all the organisms that feed on Magicicada during its emergences.

Observations for the project should focus on the predator (or just "eater") of the cicada, not the cicada itself. If you've got a nice example of predation currently IDed as Magicicada, you can duplicate it and add a new ID to create an observation for the predator.

Observations need not be limited to Brood X; if you've got suitable photos from past years and other broods, they'd be most welcome. Thanks in advance for any and all contributions!

Publicado el junio 3, 2021 05:00 TARDE por weecorbie weecorbie


Excellent. Thanks!

Publicado por billhubick hace más de 3 años
Publicado por billhubick hace más de 3 años

Red-winged Blackbird

Publicado por lakekoshare hace más de 3 años

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