Observation of the week (May 9th 2022 - May 15th 2022)

Observation of the week (May 9th 2022 - May 15th 2022)
1) https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/116798827

A record of Icius alboterminus by Shashikanth Kambannavar from Belagavi, Karnataka.
2) https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/116942908

A record of genus Mastigoproctus by Subbu from Bengaluru, Karnataka.
3) https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/116272973
Observation of an Hogna sp carrying her spiderlings by Amit Kiran Menezes from Bengaluru, Karnataka.
congratulations to all of you, Please continue posting all your observations on Inaturalist.
Team Saaliga / Karnataka spider club

Publicado el mayo 18, 2022 05:09 MAÑANA por teamsaaliga teamsaaliga


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