Observation of the week (May 16th 2022 - May 22nd 2022)

Observation of the week (May 16th 2022 - May 22nd 2022)

  1. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/117712905
    Nigma sp feeding on Diptera which is laying eggs
    by Mr Karthik

  2. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/118162146
    Rhene (looks unique from described species) by Mr Vishwanath gowda

  3. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/118160479
    Corinnoma with its eggsac by Mr vishwanath gowda.
    congratulations to all of you, Please continue posting all your observations on Inaturalist.
    Team Saaliga / Karnataka spider club

Publicado el mayo 23, 2022 06:07 MAÑANA por teamsaaliga teamsaaliga


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