It's Bioblitz Day!

Good morning Bioblitzers!

The weather is a bit gloomy but we are in a sunny mood and excited about starting our species count at midday!

Note that only photos taken within the 24hours and within the survey area will add to this project. Please ensure your camera's clock is correct so your photos are correctly timestamped.

You can check the survey area here:

ALL observations count - so remember to photograph even the smallest things you spot, from ants to grass!

Hopefully see many of you at Basecamp at Buccoo Government Primary at 11am, but even if you don't make it to the launch or choose to participate within an official group, you can still add to this group over the weekend as much or as little as you would like! You can also feel free to call into Basecamp at any point over the weekend for ID help, or just to say hello. :)

Stay safe and happy Bioblitzing!

Publicado el junio 3, 2023 12:30 TARDE por amydeacontt amydeacontt


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