08 de abril de 2021

Let's Get Started!!

We're ready to get started looking for Western Washington native plants. Here's our list of the plants to look out for in your quest to win Bleeding Heart:

Columbian Monkshood
Orange Agoseris
Drummond's Anemone
White Pasqueflower
Oregon Anemone
Western Columbine
Broadleaf Arnica
Arrowleaf Balsamroot
American Bistort
large-flowered Triteleia
Lyall's Mariposa Lily
Elkslip Marsh-marigold
Small Camas
Olympic Bellflower
Western Bell-heather
Coast Indian paintbrush
Golden Indian paintbrush
Giant Red Paintbrush
Olympic Indian paintbrush
Cliff Indian-paintbrush
Edible Thistle
Lanceleaf spring beauty
Alpine springbeauty
Blue Clematis
Small-flowered Blue-eyed mary
Alpine Collomia
Mountain Lady's-slipper
Yellow Lady's slipper
Shrubby Cinquefoil
Rockslide Larkspur
Pacific Bleeding Heart
Cliff Douglasia
Yellow Willowherb
Alpine Yellow Fleabane
Cut-leaf Fleabane
Hairy-seed Fleabane
Arrowleaf Buckwheat
Tall Cotton-grass
Cascade Wallflower
Glacier Lily
Avalanche Lily
Coast Fawn Lily
Yellow Fritillary
Alpine Wintergreen
Mountain Bog Gentian
King's Scepter Gentian
Western Rattlesnake Plantain
Round-leaved Bog Orchid
common cowparsnip
ballhead waterleaf
scarlet gilia
seaside pea
Leather-leaf Saxifrage
Columbian lewisia
Columbia lily
Long-tube Twinflower
orange honeysuckle
twinberry honeysuckle
broadleaf lupine
western skunk cabbage
Western Star Flower
Western Lily of the Valley
Tall Bluebell
western yellow pond-lily
redwood sorrel
spreading phlox
showy phlox
Common Butterwort
White-flowered Rhododendron
Baldhip Rose
Nootka rose
spearleaf stonecrop
Oregon stonecrop
Golden-eyed Grass
Idaho Blue-eyed Grass
water parsnip
Olympic Violet
stream violet
Howell's violet
field mouse-ear chickweed
Sierra shooting star
Subalpine Fleabane
seep monkeyflower
Lewis' monkeyflower
Virginia strawberry
Western Labrador Tea
blue flax
Dwarf Lupine
coastal manroot
mock azalea
tufted saxifrage
Goosefoot violet

Publicado el abril 8, 2021 08:24 TARDE por sewardparkauduboncenter sewardparkauduboncenter | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
