Diario del proyecto Budawang Coast Atlas of Life

Archivos de diario de diciembre 2021

01 de diciembre de 2021

First gang-gang chick emerges

If you have gang-gangs in your locality, check out the gang-gang project https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/gang-gang-nests-tree-hollows-search

30 Nov gang-gang project post...
Thank you to all 51 of you that have contributed Gang-gang hollow activity images to this project. We have our first sighting of a chick by Katie O'Connor in Campbelltown. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/102051305
Well done Katie. The white bill is a good indicator of a young bird. We are not sure how long the greying process takes but it is at least weeks and probably months. Sometimes there is confusion when youngish looking birds are reported as new chicks. The presence of a white bill or not is a good way to cross-check such claims.
Given Katie's great observation it would be good for all to check the hollows they are watching over the next few days. However we have 12 identified active nests in the Canberra area and some of those have only just laid eggs and chicks won't appear till towards the end of January and our earliest is expected around Christmas. Thanks again and particularly to Katie and the Campbelltown crew.

Publicado el diciembre 1, 2021 09:06 TARDE por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

05 de diciembre de 2021

Save Our Snow Gums

Are you going to the High Country?
You can help with research by reporting Snow Gum dieback using an online survey. Download app - Spotting snow-gum dieback (ArcGIS application Survey123) to make observations. Scan QR code to download app and survey. For links go to: https://www.saveoursnowgum.org/help-us?fbclid=IwAR0HtI55hl1o9a6X_Nt8b9VRUdPpKD1UuhzliX5xwNR5nKIMWXIm9lcmy5A

Publicado el diciembre 5, 2021 07:02 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

12 de diciembre de 2021

Draft Management Plan for Marine Parks (2021-2031) Have your say!

Help protect our marine parks. Consultation period is open till 31 January 2022.

NSW Government prioritises the economic values of marine parks, rather than the primary purpose of conserving biodiversity.

The Plan

  • envisages the return of trawling in the Batemans Marine Park
  • partners with 120 stakeholders who exploit ocean resources, but less than 15 partnerships with conservation groups, marine educators, academic institutions, or marine science professional bodies.

Nature Coast Marine Group Eurobodalla wants the Draft Plan

  • to prioritise actions that aim to protect and conserve biodiversity in marine parks
  • to expand sanctuary zones in marine parks, and these areas must be no-take zones

The central role of sanctuary zones operating as no-take zones, is not developed.

  • The Government’s own Marine Estate Expert Knowledge Panel notes, 'MPAs, and in particular no-take Sanctuary Zones, address the cumulative impacts of fishing by re-establishing key aspects of ecosystem functioning.'
  • The peak body on marine sciences in Australia (AMSA) recommends marine parks 'with at least 30% sanctuary (no-take) zone are the most effective and therefore the preferred design option'. This is almost double the current area of NSW sanctuary zones.

View Draft NSW Management Plan for Marine Parks https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bwbZ5RcHDntF2lhCAH7UM2_FQdouqjg0/view

What can you do?

  1. Download Nature Coast Marine Group's one-page submission, sign and post to the address on top of the submission (Government is not accepting emailed submissions) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MKdcL6RifkK6XeZrlAZr09BP3MrqTQ1V/view

  2. Log into the Government’s online survey https://yoursay.marine.nsw.gov.au/
    You have the opportunity to attach Nature Coast Marine Group's one-page submission (above) to your on-line response, and/or;
    Use our recommended answers for the on-line survey https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CHcVCpiw6mWlodz_-C3UEA9vHiaozT42/view

The future of marine parks is in your hands.

Publicado el diciembre 12, 2021 09:56 MAÑANA por barv barv | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

15 de diciembre de 2021

24 de diciembre de 2021

2021, what a year!

Budawang Coast Atlas of Life has had quite a year! Suffice to day, fires and Covid dominated the landscape and affected all of us in one way or another. BCAL continued to grow and held many successful events through the year, both face to face and on Zoom. We also changed our name and moved to the recording platform, iNaturalist.

We now have 150 project members in iNat, 47,400 observations (records), 4,625 species and 1,400 observers. We really need more identifiers though. About 30% of records still require identification to reach research grade and be included in the national biodiversity database, the Atlas of Living Australia. Have a go at identifying. It's about learning under the guidance of those with more knowledge, and having fun.

In 2022, the BCAL committee intends to coordinate more educational and participatory events across our region. Look out for an event near you. Heads up - there will be a Bioblitz held in Murramarang National Park over the March long weekend.

Have a happy festive season and catch you next year.

best wishes,
BCAL Management Committtee

Publicado el diciembre 24, 2021 06:20 MAÑANA por annielane annielane | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

30 de diciembre de 2021

Nature Coast Marine Group Rock Pool Ramble - Broulee - 2 January

Nature Coast Marine Group rock pool ramble is at Broulee this Sunday afternoon (2 January). Everyone welcome - to find out where and when to meet, book with Jenny Edwards 0492 176 148.

Children welcome if they can safely move about the uneven surfaces but they will be the responsibility of their parent/s or responsible adult/s who must accompany them.

Publicado el diciembre 30, 2021 09:48 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario