Diario del proyecto The Natural Communities of the Center Hill Preserve

Archivos de diario de julio 2020

10 de julio de 2020

Doughdee doh!

It's exciting. She's exciting. She is, to paraphrase Warren Zevon, 'an excitable girl.' Fortunately, she is excited about iNaturalist, about arthropods, and about the Center Hill Preserve's wealth of species, it's biodiversity. She is constantly offering new 'observations.' In any case, take note, Doughdee (her iNaturalist name), is our Dodie Frank, a new board member of the SEMass Pine Barrens Alliance, and a welcome infusion of intelligence, experience and - that most important ingredient for nonprofit success, enthusiasm. Please join me in welcoming her to SEMPBA, Center Hill, and the Massachusetts Coastal Pine Barrens and - where you can - help her with identifications and with the many projects that she has jumped into.

Publicado el julio 10, 2020 03:33 TARDE por centerhillfrank centerhillfrank | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario