Taxonomic Swap 105320 (Guardado el 14/02/2022)

The correct spelling is Rattus lutreolus as published by Gray, 1841 has incorrectly misspelled this species.

Museum Victoria (Referencia)
Añadido por w_martin el febrero 15, 2022 03:43 MAÑANA | Comprometido por w_martin el 14 de febrero de 2022
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Published documents confirm the correct nomenclature

Publicado por w_martin hace más de 2 años

It's still lutreola not lutreolus?

Publicado por glebglub hace casi 2 años

This is confusing as iNat doesn't allow duplicate taxon names, so it's puzzled me as there is no way to swap to the same name, it may have been reverted from R.lutreolus by site admin. Unfortunately I can't check this atm as I'm at the beginning of a 4-5month outback trip with limited internet. I suggest flagging the taxon so another curator can look at it.

Publicado por w_martin hace casi 2 años

AMTC lists it as Rattus lutreola: "lutreola was the original spelling of the species epithet by J.E. Gray, 1841; subsequently also used by Thomas, 1921 and Finalyson, 1935. Recently represented as lutreola in international mammal species lists. REFERENCES: Gray, J.E. 1841. Contributions towards the geographical distribution of the Mammalia in Australia, with notes on some recently discovered species, in a letter addressed to the Author. Appendix C. pp. 397-414 in Grey, G. (ed.). Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-west and Western Australia During the Years 1837, 38, and 39, Under the Authority of Her Majesty's Government. Describing many newly discovered, important, and fertile districts, with observations on the moral and physical condition of the aboriginal inhabitants, &c. &c. London : T. & W. Boone Vol. 2 vii 482 pp. [Date published Nov. 1841] [page 409]"
If lutreol- is an adjective, then it should be -us (as the accompanying noun Rattus is masculine, 2nd declension). However, if it is a noun ('little otter'), then it should be -a (as Lutra is feminin, 1st declension).

Publicado por nhaass hace 10 meses

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